Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I come as a mighty rushing wind,
With flames of tongues,
Yet I am gentle as a dove.

I speak boldly the truth about Him,
Reveal secrets, create in hearts new songs
Unveil mysteries unheard of.

For you I will do so much more,
How I yearn that you deeply know Him,
Oh that you will have unwaiving faith
That you will grow and believe.

But I hurt when you shut the door,
You stop short of true praise, worship and hymn,
Then I leave without haste,
When unwholesome talk proceed.

Pained by your sin,
The love is cold that you show
Forgiveness waits so patiently,
Broken hearted I am,
I want you to know,
Can’t you see that I grieve?

I am here to be your guide,
To be your comforter,
True to faithfulness,
Draw you close to Jesus seated above.

I am your cloud by day, fire by night,
To share with you the heart of the Father,
That you experience the fullness, greatness,
The power of His love.

For you I will do so much more,
How I yearn that you deeply know Him,
Oh that you will have unwaiving faith
That you will grow and believe.

But I hurt when you shut the door,
You stop short of true praise, worship and hymn,
Then I leave without haste,
When unwholesome talk proceed.

Pained by your sin,
The love is cold that you show
Forgiveness waits so patiently,
Broken hearted I am,
I want you to know,
Can’t you see that I grieve?

Aaron Guadarrama

Ephesians 4:30 (NASB)
“Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God,
By whom you were
sealed for the day redemption.”

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