Friday, October 23, 2009

My Heart

My heart, why are you downcast,
Why the sadness you feel?
Why keep my soul in constant sorrow?

The word of God you need to hold fast
Pray without ceasing for him to reveal,
For a better today, a brighter new tomorrow.

Oh precious heart, reach out to his loving arms
Don’t give up now
Don’t waiver on your simple faith

Reach out to God who keeps you from all harm
Get on your knees and bow
Seek His guidance, seek His Holy face

Be of good cheer,
God causes all things to work together for good to those who love Him,
To those who are called according to His purpose.

He is close to the brokenhearted always near
Your solid rock you stand, He has forever been,
He will shower you with his grace and everlasting loving kindness

Oh precious heart, reach out to his loving arms
Don’t give up now
Don’t waiver on your simple faith

Reach out to God who keeps you from all harm
Get on your knees and bow
Seek His guidance, seek His Holy face

My heart, why are you downcast,
Why the sadness you feel?
Why keep my soul in constant sorrow?

Aaron Guadarrama

Isaiah 60:20 (NIV)

Your sun will never set again,
and your moon will wane no more;
the LORD will be your everlasting light,
and your days of sorrow will end.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What My Transparent Heart Wants To Convey

It’s another day of struggling
Sitting at the kitchen table wondering
How in the world will I get through all of this?

I am told to keep hoping
To believe and keep praying
That I can find peace and joy in your gospel message.

Lord, I am asking for your help please,
I am seeking for answers to grasp,
That your door will open up for me today

I’ve read your word is a lamp for my feet
And a light for my path,
Can you see what my transparent heart wants to convey?

For I want to believe,
That there is true meaning out there
That there is a purpose for everything.

With my eyes to literally see,
Something tangible that you do care
Remove my doubts, my fears, keep my feet from falling.

Be close to this brokenhearted man,
I want to live in this peace that’s beyond my understanding,
Lord, I’m ready to try it your way.

I know for me you have a purpose and a plan,
This sinful soul is asking for mercy and grace, will you forgive me?
Can you see what my transparent heart wants to convey?

Lord, I am asking for your help please,
I am seeking for answers to grasp,
That your door will open up for me today

I’ve read your word is a lamp for my feet
And a light for my path,
Can you see what my transparent heart wants to convey?

Aaron Guadarrama

Psalm 119:105 (New American Standard Bible)
Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

You Are Still With Me

What has become of me?
Have I not embraced humility?
Have I taken in pride instead?

I want to be strip of everything,
Not boast of worldly things,
But find mercy, and eat from the living bread.

I cry with remorse
I hunger for your forgiveness Jesus
Oh that I find peace within my soul, my God and King.

I turn to you Lord my only recourse
That I may dwell in your presence
Speak to my heart that it may know, you are still with me.

My sins, my wrongs, the ugliness is not small stuff,
My shameful ways detest you,
Restore this broken relationship with you once again.

For one day without you is more than enough
My heart cries for mercy to shine through
Oh how precious are the words Lord to be called your friend.

I cry with remorse
I hunger for your forgiveness Jesus
Oh that I find peace within my soul, my God and King.

I turn to you Lord my only recourse
That I may dwell in your presence
Speak to my heart that it may know, you are still with me.

Aaron Guadarrama

Psalm 28:1 (King James Version)

Unto thee will I cry, O LORD my rock; be not silent to me:
lest, if thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Change the World
My child,
Don’t be afraid,
Have no fear.
Instead put on a smile,
Where is your simple faith?
Believe that I am always near.

For I have called ordinary people for extraordinary things,
To raise up a generation of true worshipers
That has a true passion for the lost.

Endless glorious possibilities
For those who have a heart a desire to serve
That already have counted and weighed the cost

That they would share this salvation message
Believe in the impossible what I can do
For the nations, for every man, women, boy and girl

Be strong and don’t get discouraged
Believe what my power can do through you
I will use you my child to change the world.

That my son’s name be lifted up raised on high,
Salvation atonement found only through Him
That His banner of love is unfurled.

Go now on this Great Commission believe I will supply.
You have our promised gift, the Holy Spirit within.
Believe I will use you my child to change the world.

Love me wholeheartedly
Be faithful to the end
Speak courageously,
I will defend

Walk victoriously
You never are alone
Love my sweet mercy,
Make forgiveness always your home.

That you would share this salvation message
Believe in the impossible what I can do
For the nations, for every man, women, boy and girl

Be strong and don’t get discouraged
Believe what my power can do through you
I will use you my child to change the world.

That my son’s name be lifted up raised on high,
Salvation atonement found only through Him
That His banner of love is unfurled.

Go now on this Great Commission believe I will supply.
You have our promised gift, the Holy Spirit within.
Believe I will use you my child to change the world.

Aaron Guadarrama

Matthew 28:18-20 (NIV)

Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Friday, October 9, 2009


Lord, today someone lost a husband, a wife, a brother, a sister
A father, today someone lost a mother.
Today, someone is suffering more than me.

Today, someone lost their home to natural disaster,
They lost their children, they lost everything.
Today, someone is suffering more than me.

Today, someone lost their job, and now homeless, today living on the dangerous streets.
Today, someone feels they are not loved; today someone is parallelized and feels hopeless,
Today, someone is suffering more than me.

Today someone is suffering for the cause of Christ in Uganda Africa, Turkey, and China.
Preaching your name wholeheartedly,
Today they are beaten, spit at, and thrown in jail, for you Lord, being treated unjustly.
Today, someone is suffering more than me.

Yet throughout the world,
You Lord are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow
You still comfort with the same love, the same peace, the same joy that calms our storms.

This amazing love I am truly overwhelmed
All sinners and saints you see their sorrows.
When we call on our Savior,
You comfort us as a mother cradles her cherished child
In her precious loving arms.

Oh Lord, what reasons do I have to complain?
When blessings have poured upon me over and over again.
When my suffering is about selfishness,
When I grumble about losing my material things.

What reasons do I have, that say I am hurting, I’m in pain?
When my brother, my sister, my neighbor next door is in need of an understanding friend.
When today Lord, someone is suffering more than me.

Aaron Guadarrama

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Wrote this poem for my wife, for our 16 yr anniversary we celebrated on September 18th. Husbands, love your wife deeply, care for her, share with her, encourage her, be tender with her, pray for her and pray with her always. For the day you fall out of love with Christ, is the day you fall out of love with your wife. Love your wife, like Christ so loves the church.
This Is the Women I Love

She is soft, she is strong,
Yet fragile when I embrace her tender touch.
She is my encourager my song,
This is the women I married; this is the women I love

She is my big supporter
When the future seems bleak,
She is my soul mate, my God sent partner,
The reason why I married thee.

She conveys to the Lord in prayer
That He watches over me lifts me up
I pray Lord; I’m always giving, affectionate with her
This is the women I married; this is the women I love

Lord, you showered me with a blessing
The day she came into my life
Her smiles and kisses, so captivating
Amazing day it was, 16 years ago, when she became my beautiful wife.

Together hand in hand on this adventuress journey, His grace bestow upon us.
This is the women I married; this is the women I love
Our faith in Him together we relied, from any storms that we face that come
This is the women I married; this is the women I truly deeply love.

Aaron Guadarrama

Proverbs 18:22 (Contemporary English Version)
22A man's greatest treasure
is his wife--
she is a gift from the LORD.