Friday, October 9, 2009


Lord, today someone lost a husband, a wife, a brother, a sister
A father, today someone lost a mother.
Today, someone is suffering more than me.

Today, someone lost their home to natural disaster,
They lost their children, they lost everything.
Today, someone is suffering more than me.

Today, someone lost their job, and now homeless, today living on the dangerous streets.
Today, someone feels they are not loved; today someone is parallelized and feels hopeless,
Today, someone is suffering more than me.

Today someone is suffering for the cause of Christ in Uganda Africa, Turkey, and China.
Preaching your name wholeheartedly,
Today they are beaten, spit at, and thrown in jail, for you Lord, being treated unjustly.
Today, someone is suffering more than me.

Yet throughout the world,
You Lord are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow
You still comfort with the same love, the same peace, the same joy that calms our storms.

This amazing love I am truly overwhelmed
All sinners and saints you see their sorrows.
When we call on our Savior,
You comfort us as a mother cradles her cherished child
In her precious loving arms.

Oh Lord, what reasons do I have to complain?
When blessings have poured upon me over and over again.
When my suffering is about selfishness,
When I grumble about losing my material things.

What reasons do I have, that say I am hurting, I’m in pain?
When my brother, my sister, my neighbor next door is in need of an understanding friend.
When today Lord, someone is suffering more than me.

Aaron Guadarrama

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