Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What My Transparent Heart Wants To Convey

It’s another day of struggling
Sitting at the kitchen table wondering
How in the world will I get through all of this?

I am told to keep hoping
To believe and keep praying
That I can find peace and joy in your gospel message.

Lord, I am asking for your help please,
I am seeking for answers to grasp,
That your door will open up for me today

I’ve read your word is a lamp for my feet
And a light for my path,
Can you see what my transparent heart wants to convey?

For I want to believe,
That there is true meaning out there
That there is a purpose for everything.

With my eyes to literally see,
Something tangible that you do care
Remove my doubts, my fears, keep my feet from falling.

Be close to this brokenhearted man,
I want to live in this peace that’s beyond my understanding,
Lord, I’m ready to try it your way.

I know for me you have a purpose and a plan,
This sinful soul is asking for mercy and grace, will you forgive me?
Can you see what my transparent heart wants to convey?

Lord, I am asking for your help please,
I am seeking for answers to grasp,
That your door will open up for me today

I’ve read your word is a lamp for my feet
And a light for my path,
Can you see what my transparent heart wants to convey?

Aaron Guadarrama

Psalm 119:105 (New American Standard Bible)
Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.

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