Sunday, February 17, 2008

Love left heaven for me

Love left heaven for me, on a mission for the Father, to do his will and not His.
For the Father and the Son have always been close for all eternity, so He left and was surely missed.

Love was born in humble settings, with just a few there to see,
though the world might have been quiet, heaven itself and all the Angels were rejoicing.

And over the years as he grew into the man he was set out to be, He knew how this was going to end. With all mankind lives hanging on the ballot for eternity, He knew the day would come that He will experience death.

With compassion and love in His eyes, healed the sick, fed the poor, told them the story of another kingdom for them in store.

Along the way pick up some friends and taught and shared what was His, twelve to be exact, though one would betray him with a kiss, betrayed but love for him he did not lack.

He was captured and thrown in jail for no reason, to be flogged, kicked, and made fun of. Barely standing in front of His excusers, all battered and bruised, he was the light of world that still showed love.

Though they couldn’t find no fault in Him, he was punished with death on a cross that he would carry himself to his end. The weight of the world on his shoulders, soon it will be over and finally back with His Father again.

But death did not come quickly, agonized in pain, suffering severely, with nailed hands and feet to the cross, with His blood running down his brow. He suffered tremendously for us, that one day we all would be with Him now.

As they took him down that cross to be laid to rest, I am being reminded that Love left heaven for me, on a mission for the Father, to do his will and not His. Because he loved Him so much, He wanted me to experience the same love of the Father as well because we are His.

Death did not end his life, but made the way for all of us to believe. For He rose on the third day, and forever and ever he sits as King of Kings, Glory in the Highest, Prince of Peace.

Love left heaven for me, I’m glad He did, for love is eternity.

By Aaron Guadarrama

John 3:16

16"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

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